Neurodiversity Resource List
National Autistic Society | Autism Helpline, Education Rights service. Parent to Parent phoneline service has been temporarily closed) | All ages | Contact number: 0207 833 2299 Email: | |
Autism Hampshire | Provides information and advice, including pre, during and post diagnostic support. They also have social groups for parents of children and young people who have a diagnosis of Autism. | Hampshire | All ages and Parents | Contact number: 01489 880881 Email: |
Hampshire Specialist Parenting Support Service (HSPSS) | Parenting programmes for ASC. | Hampshire | 5-17 | Contact number: 01489799178 Email: |
BRAAIN | Practical advice such as, clubs & groups, education & schools, legal & financial advice, health & local authority, private therapist and support groups. | Surrey and Hampshire | All ages | Email: |
Ambitious Autism | Practical advice for parents, teens and children on living with ASC. Resources cover from early years all the way up to transitioning to adulthood and employment. | All ages | Contact number: 020 8815 5444 Email: | |
Cerebra | Services include workshops, parent guides, sensory lending library for ASC. | Parents | Contact Number: 0800 3281159. | |
Support4Send | Provide support for children and young people and their parents/carers with educational needs such as EHCP and/or disability living in Hampshire. | Hampshire | All ages and Parents | Contact Number: 0808 164 5504 Email: |
NHS | Practical information on ASC | Parents | ||
Mustard Seed | a local autism trust who works with families in a 10-mile radius of Farnborough. They offer a holistic approach in dealing with the complex needs of families living with autism by providing professional and practical support | Aldershot | Parents and All ages | Contact Number: 07980 636413 Email: |
The Curly Hair Project | a social enterprise that supports people on the autistic spectrum and the people around them | All ages and Families | Email: | |
Dean Beadle | Webinars on ASC living with ASC, Telling your child they have ASC and much more. | All ages and Parents | ||
National Autistic Society
| Practical support and advise guide on eating difficulties and ASC | Parents | | |
Guiding Stars
| Working in affiliation with National Autistic Society. Guiding Stars We aims to provide early intervention and support for families going through the first stages of realising their child is showing developmental differences. | Hampshire + surrounding areas | 2-5 years olds | They offer a few different service offers; Stay and Learn sessions (for parents/carers and their children), Stay and Play sessions (for children) and one to one (1:1) consultancy. These sessions are not free but are cheap! |
Ask about Autism
| Ask About Autism is a brand new service that will bring local organisations together to offer a full support service to parents/carers of children with autism or suspected autism. From the moment a parent/carer has concerns about their child through the diagnosis process and beyond, Ask About Autism will be there every step of the way. Workshops – A range of free workshops to help and support parents. Support groups – will be taking place across Hampshire giving you the opportunity to meet other parent carers to share experiences and ideas to help you going forward. Help line – We can help you find the support you need. | Hampshire | Emma Holmes 07518297723
Website: |
ADHD Embrace | Parental support, post diagnosis workshops, advice clinics & practical information on ADHD. | Nationwide | All ages | Email: |
ADDISS | Information and resources on ADHD for parents. | n/a | All ages | Contact number: 020 8952 2800 Email: |
LIVING WITH ADHD | Resources and tips for teens living with ADHD on transitioning to adulthood and general resources for teens and parents. | Nationwide | All ages and parents | Contact numbers: 0800 731 8450 or 01494 567 444 Email: |
‘Helping Hyperactive Kids: A Sensory Integration Approach – Techniques and Tips for Parents and Professionals’ | by Lynn Horowitz and Cecile Rost. This book provides a complete overview and explanation of the therapy, as well as practical sensory integration based techniques that can be used by teachers and parents to help the hyperactive child. | |||
‘Helping Hyperactive Kids: A Sensory Integration Approach – Techniques and Tips for Parents and Professionals’ | Overview and explanation of the therapy, as well as practical sensory integration based techniques that can be used by teachers and parents to help the hyperactive child. | n/a | Parents | n/a |
Cerebra | Services include workshops, parent guides, sensory lending library for ADHD. | n/a | Parents | Contact number: Tel: 0800 3281159. |
Support4Send | Provide support for children and young people and their parents/carers with educational needs such as EHCP and/or disability living in Hampshire. | Hampshire | All ages and Parents | Contact Number: 0808 164 5504 Email: |
You may find it helpful to make a self-soothe box which can be used when feeling distressed. The following video demonstrates how to do this:
Zones of Regulation -
Autism Awareness Week 27/3/23-2/4/23
The Explosive Child by Dr Ross Greene. He also has a teacher version called Lost at School by Dr Ross Greene