
Anstey Junior SchoolAim High No Limits


Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Your teachers are Miss MacDonald, Miss Price and Mrs Sheldon

Your LSAs are Mrs Franklin, Mr Hayden, Miss Cundy, Ms Head, Miss Cox & Mrs Marshall 


Key Information:


PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Children should wear kit on these days, including a t-shirt in their house colour, and uniform for the rest of the week.

Full details of both can be found on the website.


We ask that items like jumpers, lunch boxes, hats and water bottles are clearly labelled with your child's name.


Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to have during their morning play time. ( We are a nut-free school.)




Weekly spelling homework is set on the website on a Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday.

Some weeks we set two different sets, in which case children in the phonics groups should work on the phonics homework;

those in the fluency/comprehension groups should work on the spellings page.



We expect children to read 5 times each week. 

Reading needs to be signed off by a parent or carer, using the diary which all children will been given.

Children should bring their diaries in every Monday to be checked.

Each recorded read earns a raffle ticket to be entered into the weekly Reading Raffle,

the winner of which gets to choose a brand new book to keep!


To support children in learning times tables at home, we will give out personalised login details for Times Tables Rock Stars.

Tables should be practised at home at least 5 times every week.


There will also be a homework project running each half term.


As a guide, you should spend 1-2 hours on your project. How you do it is up to you - be as creative as you like!

We have loved your creativity and ideas so far and always look forward to you sharing your projects in the last week of this half term.


If you need to get in touch with us, please catch us at the end of the day or contact us via the school office.


Miss MacDonald, Miss Price and Mrs Sheldon.

Useful Spelling lists
