
Anstey Junior SchoolAim High No Limits


World Book Day

World Book Day Friday 8th March 2024


We will be celebrating this great event on Friday 8th March by inviting the children (and adults) to come dressed as their favourite book character. We would also love it if they could bring in a favourite book to share with their class.



Book swap - during break time on WBD (Friday 8th March), there will be an opportunity for children to swap a pre-loved book and pick up a ‘new’ one to take home and enjoy. If your child would like to take part then they will need to make sure they have a book, which is in good condition, and one that they are happy to give away!

£1 Books – each year the generous people at WBD team up with budding authors and produce books for a £1.  Waterstones in Alton have very kindly agreed that in exchange for our tokens they will provide a book for each child. This means all the children will come home with a shiny new book on that day!

During the week, the children will have the opportunity to take part in lots of exciting book-related activities but more importantly time to enjoy books with friends and staff.

Competition - This year we are running a ‘Book in a Jar’ competition where children will be invited to think about how a favourite book, could be represented in a simple jar! There are some examples above for you to have a look at, it’s really easy! Find any clear jar, carefully put your chosen items (that represent your book) into your jar, select quotes from your book and perhaps even some clues about its characters or setting!  Please make sure that any ‘Book in a Jar’ competition entry is clearly labelled with the book that is being represented, your child’s full name and class.

All entries must be in school by Friday 8th March for judging.  Our Reading Champions will shortlist their favourite jars, alongside Miss Price, and then pick their winners who will receive a book voucher. These will be announced during Celebration assembly.

Good luck!

We can’t wait to share a booktastic day with your all!

Miss Price
