
Anstey Junior SchoolAim High No Limits


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Your teachers are

Mr Jones (5J),  Miss Rackstraw (5R) and Mrs Jennings (5X)

Your learning support assistants are

Miss Collins, Mrs Cawley, Miss Chesterton and Miss Cox


Key Information


PE Days: 

Monday and Wednesday

Please come to school in your school PE kit (house colour t-shirt) on Mondays and Wednesdays.



This will be set on the website on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Monday. This is in addition to the usual daily reading and Times Table Rock Stars practice. At least three times a week, reading needs to be signed off by a parent or carer. Each read earns a raffle ticket to be entered into the weekly Reading Raffle. There will also be a homework project running each half term (more details to follow).


We will no longer be doing weekly tests for spelling. Instead, please complete the spelling task set for homework each week.

Music Lessons:

For pupils continuing with music lessons this year, please see the information for the day you will need your instrument. For further details, please contact the school office.

Woodwind - Monday & Wednesday 

Brass - Tuesday & Wednesday 

iRock - Thursday


