
Anstey Junior SchoolAim High No Limits


Year 6


Your teachers this year are

Mrs Morgan (6M) and Mr Pinder (6P)


Your LSAs this year are

Mrs Lea, Miss Porter, Mrs Rees, Miss Hill and Miss Grundy


Our Topic will change each half term; please keep an eye on our Topic Webs so you can see what your children will be learning.

We will keep this website page updated with homework, news and any other resources or information we think will be useful.


Key Information


PE Days: 

Monday and Wednesday. Please come to school in your school PE kit (house colour t-shirt and black shorts) on both of these days. 



We use CGP revision guides and question books for homework in Year 6. Please see the plan on the Autumn 1 Homework tab with each week's pages. Children will be reminded of the homework pages by Wednesday at the latest, but are welcome to start it earlier than this. Homework is then due on the following Monday. On this day, please bring CGP books into school to be checked.


This is in addition to the usual reading (at least three times a week) and Times Table Rock Stars practice. Reading needs to be signed off by a parent or carer and each read earns a raffle ticket to be entered into the weekly Reading Raffle. 


If your child would like to, they can also access their Purple Mash account from home. If they need a password reminder, please ask them to speak to their class teacher who can access this for them. 


There will also be a homework project running each half term.

As a guide, you should spend 1-2 hours on your project. How you do it is up to you - be as creative as you like!

We have loved your creativity and ideas so far and always look forward to you sharing your projects in the last week of this half term.



Please practice Year 5/6 spelling words throughout the year - these can be found in our Additional Resources tab.



Pupils who are continuing with music lessons will need to bring their instrument into school on the following days. Woodwind: Monday & Wednesday. Brass: Tuesday & Wednesday.

