
Anstey Junior SchoolAim High No Limits


Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Your teachers this year are

Miss Wright and Mrs Severs


Your LSAs this year are

Mrs Campbell, Miss Cox, 

Mrs Cooper and Mrs Wilkinson 



We will keep this page updated with homework and useful resources or information. 


Key Information

PE Days: Monday & Thursday. Please come to school in your school PE kit on both of these days.

Homework: This will be set on the website on a Wednesday and will be due the following Monday. This is in addition to the usual reading (at least three times a week) and Times Table Rock Stars practice. Reading needs to be signed off by an adult to be awarded a raffle ticket for each read. These will then be entered in the weekly Reading Raffle. There will also be a homework project each term, which will be listed below.

Music: Pupils will take part in Beyond the Beat and will require their instruments on the following days. Woodwind Monday & Wednesday, Brass Tuesday & Wednesday.

